diumenge, 17 de juny del 2018


Most humans think that is impossible to pollute the enormous masses of water that we can find in the ocean. So every year more rubbish is thrown in the water environment (oceans, seas..), every year it become more polluted and creates more and more fishes deaths due to pollution.

This deaths include deaths caused by infections of many substances like fecal water, waste quimic and radioactive materials, oil and all types of garbage from urban areas.
Fishing ships and navigation accidents have been also a great polluter of the oceans and seas.. they throw illegally all the rests on the water because removing them cost money.
Moreover, a lot of whales are founded with fishing nets stabbed on their bodys that kills them and this marine animals are also killed by the ingestion of plastic, rubber, or foam that they have mistaken for food.

Pollution in the oceans mostly affects to animals that live in but we also are affected. A lot of beaches have been founded with more garbage than sand.

It’s almost impossible to clean all the ocean pollution but we still have time to prevent the future pollution.
Our NGO have thought about many solutions to finish with this threat that daily affects to the ocean wildlife.

Make aware people

To extend our project about creating a safer environment for the ocean and for the magnific animals that live in it. We have created a plan of talks around Catalonia to aware people
about all the problems that the ocean is daily suffering.
Our tour around Catalonia began in Val d’Aran the last 13 of desember in the the secondary school “ZER Val d’Aran”.
Now we have arrived to Lleida on 18th of december in the public secondary school of Joan Oró.
After that, our talks will arrive to Tarragona during the dates 22 of desember in the secondary school “Jaume I”.
Then, we will go to the University of Barcelona by going in depth in the ocean environment and talking about all the types of fishes that are affected by this cause.
Finally, to complete our tour we will go to Girona in the public school “Balandrau” on the 19th of december.

Voluntay service to clean the beatches

Our list of solutions will begin with a campaign to clean the beaches around the Spain with the collaboration of the industry “ALAPLAST RECYCLING SL” from Murcia. And a lot of voluntaries that will help us by contacting us ant taking part to our project in our web.


But our presentations doesn’t finish with this talk… To really help the whales and all the ocean environment we have created many events to get money and help them by

exposition about marine environment
  • ocean videos
  • whale videos and photos
  • shows about killer whales or dolphins

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