diumenge, 18 de juny del 2017


I'm luchy enough to live in Lleida, which has a very good weather duirng spring and autumn (in summer and winter is a little bot extreme). It's a little city that don't have a lot of inhabitants, but have some interesting places to visit.

One place that is definitely geared towards young tourists is the "Main Street". As you can think from the name, it's a very big street that is plenty of shops for all type of people.
In winter there is place were you can practise ice skate, and sometimes there are some shows (such as concerts).
And when you feel tired of shopping, in the "Main Street" there some coffie shop, or kiosks were you can buy some ices creams; but if you want to est near the "Main Street" there are places of fast food.

The second place that is a must for tourists is the "Seu Vella". It's a cathedral that had have lives during wars, woth the kins, with soldiers,... a little bit of all. If you like history you would love a touristic tour throw this magnific building.
But if yo don't like history and/or old buildings, there is no problem, because you will see that there a lot of beatifull places to take fantastic pictures in this ols cathedral.

The "Main Street" and the "Seu Vella" shouldn't be missed! They give you a taste of life in Lleida and about the culture and history of this little city.

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