diumenge, 18 de juny del 2017


Run! call the ambulance, I’m going to have the baby! WHERE IS THE AMBULANCE?!
‘Wait, Sophie, are you ok?!’ Josh yelled.
Sophie said crying- ‘What’s happening!?’
‘Your belly Sophie, Your belly! Is shining, each time more, and it’s also growing!’
‘Oh my god, please hurry up Josh! It hurts a lot!’
‘No! Sorry Sophie I won’t stay here and die, bye!’
Josh pulled Sophie aggressively directly to the floor
‘No! Please Josh! Don’t run away from ....’

‘No!’ I shouted. Then I sight, I sight a lot of times, finally I’m calmed.
Lately I’m waking up with this nightmare, it seems to mean something...

It has happened another time, it isn’t normal.
These last days my nightmares have been winning the war against my dreams, they seem to be in order, like a history. I don’t want to close my eyes, I’m afraid of sleeping, because I know that at the moment I close my eyes the nightmares will return. I don’t know what else I can do, every night is worsening, they are very frightening and they seem so real…
I don’t remember the last time that I slept the whole night, probably days? Maybe weeks, I don’t know. My psychologist has recommended me to take some pills for the insomnia; so far I have refused to use them, but this bad dream has been one of the worst, and I’m considering it seriously. 
But it doesn’t matter now, I have more important things to have in mind….

‘Come on! Wake up, It's time to go to school!’
‘Ok mum… Mum, one question’
‘Oh darling, ask, What happens now? That nightmare again?’
‘Dear, they don’t mean anything, don’t be stressed, I think you should take those pills lately... you are a little bit nervous, and scared.’
‘Mum, I’m saying to you that the nightmares seem real, they are in order also!’
‘Stop! I don’t want to hear about that nightmare again!’
‘But mum, don’t you trust in me? Let me speak one more time about them to you. Please.’
‘No, sorry dear, they are only bad dreams.’ The mum goes out of the room.
‘I have, reason, I don’t lie, they mean something, and I will discover what do they mean’ She whispered.

It’s 3:00 AM, I’m picking up some food and clothes, I’ll go to discover what my nightmares mean. I’m walking through the corridor with absolute silence, I don’t want to wake up my parents, they don’t know my intentions, they’ll tell me that I’m crazy and I have to sleep, obviously they will give me that disgusting pills. I left a note on the kitchen table, I wrote that I need time, I need to search about my nightmares, I need to discover the truth.
When finally I got out of the house, I look to the moon, it’s shining more than other days, so I close my eyes and I breathe, a few seconds later I hear a noise and I look in front of me, and there she is. For a moment I thought that she was staring at me, but she was looking to the moon too. She was blond, tall, thin and about 16 and 17 years old, like me. After some minutes analysing all her face, we finally had eye contact, and said, ‘you are late, come on’.
I obey without asking anything and I followed her.
We walked about an hour through small streets that I’d never known until we arrived at a shop, the shop was open. The girl stayed at the door like if someone was waiting for her.
I took a look at my watch, it wasn’t 4:30 yet, and someone opened the shop, and the mysterious girl entered, so I decided to enter too.
When I went inside I looked who opened us the shop at that hour but  the girl started to seem nervous, so I went to her side and I tried to ask her why we were there, but someone hit me on the head. I fell down quickly.

I got up at a room, all was black, I started shouting asking help,  but only a woman answered.
‘Please, don’t get stressed, we want to show you something.’
‘What?! I want answers! Why I’m here?’
Then a strong white light blinded me. When finally I could see again, a letter entered into the room through the ceiling, and as I catch it I opened it, immediately.
-I can’t believe it.
Little flower, I think that you won’t believe this letter, but it’s necessary for you to don’t trust in anyone else than Bridget and you. Probably you don’t know who is she, but you will notice a strong connection between both. Let’s start with the show.
You are from an undiscovered continent, Tartesia, a continent where only women can live, but not all the women can, only the ones with a magical “spark”, let’s say it like this. That means that every woman living at Tartesia is a witch. Each woman there, discover the existence of that continent when they are 25 years old. And here, is where you appear in the story, you only should have 16 years old, more or less, I’m not accurate because I’m writing this from a possible future. Let’s continue.
With only 16 years old you had discovered this continent, only you and Bridget had done this, until here all it’s normal, only an early witch.
But since some years ago, a witch called Devorah, used her magic against us, she was one of the most powerful witches, and according to what she said, only the two young witches could beat her.
We don’t have time, please meet with Bridget and she will teach you everything about magic. Trust  me, or better, trust in you.

When I finally read the letter, thousands of questions appeared in my mind, but I decided to answer them one by one. Then a door appear, and the mysterious girl opened it.
‘Come on, little witch’
‘Who are you?’
‘Bridget, follow me.’
Bridget started walking, but I was still thinking what happened. Finally I start running to catch Bridget, she didn’t wait for me, and she was far away from me.
‘So you are Bridget? What will you teach me?’
‘Wait, here, I’m the one who speaks until I give you permission.’ Replied bridget
‘Okay, “teacher”…’
Finally we arrived at a room full of different types of weapons, swords, guns, and other types of things I didn’t know what they were. We continued walking until we stopped at a small wardrobe, Bridget took a red rod, and she give it to me.
‘This is waffel rod, the fire rod, the legend says that only a young which can touch it’ When she saw my face she said ‘That’s why I can touch it too.’
‘Let's train, we don’t have time’
‘I won’t ask why you know that…’

I followed Bridget through a long corridor and finally we arrived to a big door, she opened with a gold key, then, we entered in a courtyard, I didn’t understand anything, Bridget said nothing during all the walk. I had a lot of questions and I need answers, this is very strange. Maybe is another nightmare, but it seemed too real...
‘In this courtyard you will train with the magic and this things’ Said Bridget. It’s a mysterious and strange woman…
‘Ok, but how many days I need to train here?’
‘Oh honey, you will be a lot of time here, magic it’s not an easy thing, you’ll need to be an expert to defeat Devorah’
‘But I don’t know nothing about magic and witches!’
‘This is the reason that you are here, I’m going to explain you all about magic’
Later we entered through  another door, we were in a room, a little but beautiful room.
‘Here you will sleep, sleep is very important! I  let you rest, tomorrow will be a long day.’
When Bridged went out of the room, I put all my things in order and I went to sleep.

In the night I had more nightmares, I slept less hours than my body need, but I can’t. I think about my parents and also about in Bridget, magics and those things are related with the bad dreams, tomorrow I will ask she about it.
At 8:00A.M. more or less, Bridget came to my bedroom, she bring me new clothes and together we went to the dining room.
‘Good morning Kiara, here is the place in which you will eat every day’ Said Bridget.
‘Good Morning Bridget’ I said, then, together we went to eat.
‘Today is the first day and you will learn a lot of things’ ‘First of all…’ She couldn’t continue because I stopped her.
‘First nothing, I want to know if the nightmares are related with this place, with you, with the bad witch…’
‘Oh Kiara, it has a lot of relationship but is too early for you to know all this important things’
‘No Bridget, I need to know this, because I couldn’t  sleep tonight because I had it in my mind, I need to sleep!’
‘Okay, what do you want to know?’ She asked, I didn’t understand the question, is obviously that I wanted to know all.
‘I want to know all.’ I answered.
‘Finish your breakfast, is late’ Said Bridget. I don’t like to criticise people, but she is strange and a not very nice girl…
When we finished we went to the courtyard to train all day.

The following weeks we trained a lot of hours. I discovered that all the weapons had a name and all of them had an owner, dead or alive, but an owner. When I arrived to the chamber the second time there was a new black sword, it was mine and it will be my assistance in the war against Devorah. Bridget told me that the name of my sword was Orenmir.
Training was very important, I got used to fight with all types of weapons, I had the perfect teacher, we had the same age but she was more skillful. After some months I was already prepared for the fight. Then we had to start a long journey to find the evil witch, which I was supposed to beat next to Bridget.

A morning, when Bridget came to get up me, she explained me that I was ready to beat Devorah, the truth is that I had worked hard and I had given the best of myself.
After the breakfast I took my clothes and the rest of my things. Bridget also, she mentioned this days that Devorah was living in Tartesia, yes, the continent that someone wrote in the letter. I commented with Bridget all the nightmares and she told me ‘That is completely normal for a witch like us in our first years’. Well, that morning we passed through a corridor, I didn’t noticed this one before but it seemed normal to me; when we arrived at the end of the passageway, we stopped in front of a red big door with a poster that said “ONLY AUTHORIZED PEOPLE”, Bridget opened the door with a weared away key.
‘Okay, now we’ll transport to the continent, please follow my instructions’ She said.
I assented and we entered into the room and sat down on strange chairs with engraved words in a strange language. In this place all is strange, but I’m already familiarized. She wrote something on a screen and a sand storm invaded  the room. In a few seconds I couldn’t see nothing more but in less than a minute I started noticing some light and suddenly I saw a beautiful place, with a lot of women and a lot of vegetation.

All women were very happy, they saluted Bridget and they asked if I was the young witch, and that, yes, was also very strange. Some women accompanied us to a very big house, we were accommodated in big rooms with a big beds… in the continent all was big compared to Europe.
All day we visited the city, also we ate a lot and we talk about Devorah. At 10 o’clock more or less, we decided to go to the bed, because the next day will be stressful and difficult.
Bridget and I, we slept in the same room, and before we went to sleep we had a very strange conversation…
‘Kiara, honey, did you remember the nightmare of the ambulance, Sophie, Josh, the baby…?’
‘Oh yes, the worst nightmare ever’
‘The baby is you... Sophie and Josh were your biological parents’
‘Were...? This is impossible my parents are in Europe!’
‘No darling, your biological parents are dead…We don’t know if they are dead or not, almost all the continent believes that are dead but the only person who know it is Devorah’
‘Why? Who is exact Devorah and why is the only person?’
‘Devorah is your mother’s sister, your aunt’
‘Okay, this is a lot information for me, and why is Devorah a bad witch?’ I asked intrigued.
‘Long time ago there was a governor of the continent, like a queen, she ruled over the magic world, this queen was your grandmother, Sophie and Devorah’s mother. Devorah already wanted the throne from a very young age and when its mother died she craved to be the queen but Sophie was the oldest; a few days later she became the queen of Tartesia.’ She spoke wistfully as if she had lived it.’Many weeks passed before Devorah decided to do something, so one winter morning the queen disappeared and her sister too. The queen never appeared but Devorah returned, worse than ever.’
After this heavy conversation we decided to sleep, because the following days will be hard.
Days after, we decided to go to watch the central square and there it was.

She was quite strange, I stared at her and, after a while, she give me back the gaze, it gave me a freezing shiver. She had blue cold eyes and red aggressive lips, she made me remember someone, but I didn’t knew who at that moment.
‘She is Devorah’ Whispered Bridget, with her hand always in the hilt of her sword.
‘YES! I’m Devorah Daemon. Oh, you already know that I’m your aunt, I wanted to tell you that!’She said with a snub face ‘You, the other girl, you stole my fun! Now I’ll have to kill you, sorry… or not!’ At that point she was smiling with her white blinding teeth.
‘RUN! Kiara, run as fast as possible! Let me fight against her, you are not ready for this kind of dark magic.’
‘I’m the one that decides, don’t you remember? She is my aunt!’ I said to Bridget, meanwhile I walked around searching for Devorah, that was hidden somewhere’ I WANT ANSWERS!’ I shouted to nowhere, somehow she would hear that.
‘I know… Find me and you will have them!’ A voice sound nearby.
I started running towards a noise that I heard, Bridget wasn’t with me, I was desperate to find that woman who claims to be my aunt but has no place in my heart and also to find Bridget she was my only friend.
When I reached the point where the noise came from, there they were, Devorah wielding Bridget's sword to her back as she held her. I stopped and Devorah was smiling again. I tried to reach her but when I started to run she was already strung on her own sword.
‘I swear...I’LL KILL YOU!’ I yelled angrily.
‘Try it!’ She said laughing.
We fought with our best sword techniques but in the end she caught me and put the sword of Bridget in the back, as she had done with her. Then she started laughing and as she was miles away I wielded my sword and made a fast spin and, in one second, I was wielding my sword to her back.
‘You have the same face  as my mother in my dreams…’I said slowly and low so that only she would listen. ‘BUT YOU AREN’T HER!’ And then I sank my sword in her back and the last sparkle in her eyes disappeared.

I was crying, but nothing mattered now, I killed her. Oh my god I killed her! This is very strange, me, Kiara Jones killing a person… Well she deserved it, right? I’m not a bad person…
‘Kiara!’ I listened, when I spin I saw all the women screaming happily and hugging each other. ‘You did it!’
Some days latter, women decided to crowned me as the new queen, because I’m the descendent of Sophie, my mum. We made a very big party with a lot of people, I was very happy and I think that my mother would be very proud of me.

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