diumenge, 18 de juny del 2017


September, 21th 2018

Hi Diary,

I have tried to write a diary 2 times before this time; the  first time I was 8 years old and I only write things like today I have eat macaronis, the second time I was 11, and it passes the same; But this time it’s different, it’s different because I have changed, the world have changed.

I will explain to you what have pass all this years that you were on the drawer, speaking about that sorry, Trump became the president of the E.E.U.U last year, and two months ago he make a negotiation with Rajoy (yes, he continues as the Spain president). This is the point of the question, they are making that all people that haven’t borned in Spain, went to it’s born country.

So, if you remember, my father is from Cuba and that means that we had got to have a lot of care, for don’t pick attention, because if we pick attention, they will report my father and we will have to go with he, not because of the government, because of love.
For the moment all works well, nobody have noticed nothing, so I can say that we are fine, but I don’t know how many time we will have to tolerate this situation, our how many time we will can tolerate it.

My only hope, is that passes a miracle and this stops, but for the moment the only thing that we can do, is have patient, wait and be very discrets, because if someone starts paying attention to as, we will have a problem.

I promise that this time I wouldn’t forget you and probably, in a not very far future, you will be the only place where write all my feelings and emotions.

XOXO dear diary

October, 3th 2018

Hi Diary,

Sorry for haven’t write before, but this last days we have had a lot of work to do, and I have had to do a very difficult english exam, sometimes my English teacher (Montse Irun) make the exams very difficults, but she is a very good teaches, very beautiful, funny and perfect.

This afternoon we have had a problem, if we don’t resolve it very quickly probably we will have to live this house, Bordeta, or worst Lleida, I wouldn’t see again all my friends, ufffff I will pray for can resolve it quickly.

Probably now you are like: eeeeeeemmmmmmm... ok, but what have passed? I will explain to you now. What it had pass is that at school a boy called Jan had hit my little sister Nagore, and my father had went to speak with the fathers of the boy, and they have said: “Our child haven’t do this, your daughter is lying”. And my father doesn't supports that a person say something but about as, so he had cried to them that they are idiots, stupids and things like that.

My mom have arrive just on time for evite that my father say’s something he will regret after. They have said that we were savage and that will say something to the government. My father was about to hit them, but my mom stop he, he went out of the schools and my mom stays speaking with them for make they don’t say nothing to the government.

I don’t thing they will call the government, they aren’t such silly for make that a whole family have to move to another country only for a discussion, and my mom is very persuasive too.

So, as you can see, it has been a very long day. I will write to you again when I can.

XOXO dear diary

October, 5th 2018

Hi Diary,

It hasn't pass too much time from the last time I wrote to you, but it have pass a lot of things since then, I know that have passed only two days, but they have seemed to my a eternity.

Did you remember what I explained to you the other time? About the family that said that they would call the government? So, at the end… they don’t call, my mom convince them.

I suppose that know you are thinking (if you can speak): but then, what have passed? What it has passed is that the government went to the work of my father, call all the employees to go to the kantine and start looking to the NDI (National Document of Identification) and to the birth certificate, when they arrive to my father, they look at he and then ask he that where he live.

As you can imagine he was very afraid, so he give them the address of the old house without thinking, when he arrive at home said us, pick up the most important things, we have to leave, it was the worst moment of my life.

Now we are in a type of hostel, where there are a lot of different families, my father had said that is something temporal, and that very soon we will go to another house, we will be able to continue with our normal lives and to return to the school, I have a lot of wishes to see Montse again.

This isn’t bad at all, I have meet a very funny girl, she has been living here for one month and have the same age that my. She loves making jokes, drawing, painting and she can’t be quiet more than five minutes.

For the moment that’s all, I will write you soon.
XOXO dear diary

October, 12th 2018

Hi Diary,

It has passed seven days since the last time I write to you, sorry, but this is the occasion where I have been more time and more days writing (and not only about actions).

This week has been very hard, for can buy the food we have to work, the first day I worked as a cleaner, the second one on the reception, the third in the kantine serving the food to other people and then start again.

I’m very tired, I want that this finishes now. This isn’t normal, this isn’t life at all, I can’t imagine how Jews were able to support things worst than that, now that is has pass to my something similar I can understand more or less how were they feeling, and it’s something that I don’t wish to nobody.

I was wrong, I was wrong at think that Denna (the girl I meet the first day) is a good person, funny, nice,... it isn’t, she is a very bad person. She is always manipulating the others hitting, and making other people make her work.

The other day I saw Denna hitting a girl, I went and hit Denna, I know that isn’t correct to hit, but the other girl was crying and she remember me to a very important person to my, and I feel like… in home…like that it haven’t pass nothing...

Probably you don’t understand my, I don’t understand myself, and I’m writing to a diary like if it can speak to my, (like Tom’s Rider diary in the Harry Potter film) maybe I will finish been crazy, now I can understand why Anne Frank write her diary, it helps to express and to don0t be compressed. Write you very soon.

XOXO dear diary

October, 20th 2018

Hi Diary,

I has been thinking that it will be a good idea to think a name for you. Don’t you? Ok, no matter, I’m writing to you to explain that the day have come, today we go out of this hostel, fare away from a lot of dirty toilets, from sleep on the floor (it isn’t a bad experience at all), and the more important, from Denna!!!

I’m very nervous, I want to go, I can’t wait for more long. Probably I seem a young girl that is going to go to a park attraction or something like that, but the place where I’m going to go it’s much better.

I’m writing to you while we are in the car, yes we have find our car, I don’t know where we are going to go, I hope that to home, but I know that this don’t seem possible, but the faith it’s the last thing that you have to lose.

It has pass 15 minutes from the last time I write to you, and every second that passes I’m more nervous, if we don’t arrive early probably I will piss, ok, I don’t need to exaggerate, but I’m very nervous.

After 25 minutes of travel we have arrived, wait a moment, I know this place, it isn’t home, it’s my cousin's house. How it’s it possible? They don’t know that will go to prison? At every second I’m more confused and more nervous, but not nervous good, nervous bad.

I don’t understand nothing, but I wouldn't stop investigating until I find the answer of all the questions that I have. Probably I wouldn't find nothing, but it will be a good idea for waste time.

If I find something I will write it.

XOXO dear diary

October, 22th 2018

Hi Diary,

Yesterday we leave my cousin's house, we are in the house of a friend of my dad that haven't born in Spain, so we can say that we are in the same situation, he have 3 children, one is 7 years old and it's a girl, the other is 9 years old and it's another girl, and the other it's 10 years old and it's a boy. They 3 and my 2 little sisters are always together playing.

With us is living another family, they have 3 children too. The smallest one it's 15 years old and it's a boy. The second one it's 16 and it's a girl. The third one is 17 and it's a boy. They 3 and Nayla and my are all the day together, we meet for only one day, but we have been very good friends.

Did you remember when I arrived at my cousin's house that I write that I will find the answer of all the questions that I have and why we went to it's house?  I haven't find nothing, and that make me feel bad and very stressed.

Now it's midnight, and I can't sleep,  I don't know why but I have a bad feeling, it's like… that something bat it's going to pass. It might be stomach view…

I pray every day asking for you to can answer me, sometimes I feel like I'm alone, and it's when I hope that you start speaking me like in Harry Potter, and you have to explain me a lot of things, because I have explained all of me to you and you haven't explained nothing about you.

But the matter it isn't this, the matter is that I have a bad feeling since one week ago. If it isn't stomach view, it can be all the stress of trie that the government don't catch us, I'm sure that this isn't important.

I will write you as soon as possible.

XOXO dear diary

October, 30th 2018

Hi Diary,

Did you remember that I was seeing to you that I had a bad feeling? If not read the page before that. Someone has killed Donald Trump this morning, the police don't know what have pass, the only thing that everyone knows is that Donald Trump had been killed.  

Police tooth that Donald Trump killer or killer has been the sames' that are sending violent letters to Rajoy saying that he have to cancel the rule that all people that haven't burned in Spain have to return to their born country and to pay the travel of all the families that has had to went out Spain.

Did you see that I was correct? But now the thing it's to know who have killed Donald Trump, but it will be very difficult, a lot of people will be happy of have the opportunity of kill he. But the key word is this: opportunity.

OK, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that we can go home and continue with our lives, and do like that haven't pass. This is the best moment of all my life.

For one site I'm very happy, excited and grateful about that, and like me probably there is a lot of people. But for the other site, I'm a little bit depressed because the most safe thing is that I wouldn't see again the friends that I have made here.

I will try to continue writing to you regularly, and I'm not going to forget that without you probably I will have finished crazy because of the stress and because of don't have someone for can speak about the feelings. Thanks for all

XOXO dear diary

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